Monday 5 August 2013

Healthy diet tips of the week

Excessive weight is certainly very disturbing your appearance so you intend to make a healthy diet to lose weight in a week between a half to one and a half pounds is not impossible we do. If you really run a proper diet this way, surely we will be able to make the body become thin and slim fast within 7 days ahead.
In principle, all diets are the same way, reducing the intake of foods that create fat and then removes the fat that accumulates in the body and cause kegemukkan. Here are some things we need to do to lose weight.
Proper diet tips in a week in order to successfully lose weight quickly and stay healthy is by following the steps below:
1. Exercise or physical activity.How many hours a day do we exercise? For example, we usually only once a week, for this time we can try to take the time each day dive 40 minutes to 1 hour, this will help burn fat in the body.
2. Say no to soft drinks.Fresh when the weather is hot during the day drinking a cold soda, but this time we should not drink merlekannya for this type, anti immediately with water. In addition, soft minumn would make a person more at risk of suffering from obesity, diabetes and osteoporosis.
3. Avoid fast food (junk food).Did you know that fast food especially the kind of junk food even if only in small portions will satisfy the needs of calories in a day. Avoid this to reduce the intake of excess calories in the body.
4. Reduce the portion of food.Whatever way you diet, food is one of the main factors that will greatly influence the success or failure means your diet. If you normally eat a plate, cut in half, and even in some ways Korean artists diet, there are only eating potatoes alone.
5. Often eatHunger is one tough opponent someone who is on a diet. To fix this, we could eat a little, but often. So the total number of times a day to eat, but the portions are much reduced.
6. Replace with vegetables and fruitExpand the fruit and vegetables, really tired of hearing it. But that is exactly what we should do. Replace all the food that you think will make the fat because it contains a lot of calories with fruit, such as potato chips and other. And also vegetable sertabuah is another secret to keep making the body healthy in general.
7. Drinking water before mealsThe best drink is water, and when we are running the correct way of diet within a week is drink water 5 minutes before eating. This will make the stomach feel full and also good for the body's metabolism as well as the portion of food will be less later.
8. Do not eat fried foodsFoods that contain lots of oil will semkain increase trans fats in the body, and also contains a lot of cholesterol which will lead to fat accumulation in the body. While it is running the correct way this time diet, do not eat fried foods Let go, why do not we replace it with a kind of steamed or boiled foods alone.
9. Replace white riceIf you do not eat rice had not eaten his name, so to speak Indonesian opinion of most people today. And we will replace white rice with red rice is also rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. So while, leave white rice, switch to brown rice.
Those are some things that must be done in a week to do a proper diet in order to successfully lose weight up to 1.5 kg. It seems common, but we need to ask aakah've run it correctly and accurately. Beautiful women, good luck I hope you succeed skinny and slim fast diet right way this week.

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