Monday 5 August 2013

Healthy diet tips of the week

Excessive weight is certainly very disturbing your appearance so you intend to make a healthy diet to lose weight in a week between a half to one and a half pounds is not impossible we do. If you really run a proper diet this way, surely we will be able to make the body become thin and slim fast within 7 days ahead.
In principle, all diets are the same way, reducing the intake of foods that create fat and then removes the fat that accumulates in the body and cause kegemukkan. Here are some things we need to do to lose weight.
Proper diet tips in a week in order to successfully lose weight quickly and stay healthy is by following the steps below:
1. Exercise or physical activity.How many hours a day do we exercise? For example, we usually only once a week, for this time we can try to take the time each day dive 40 minutes to 1 hour, this will help burn fat in the body.
2. Say no to soft drinks.Fresh when the weather is hot during the day drinking a cold soda, but this time we should not drink merlekannya for this type, anti immediately with water. In addition, soft minumn would make a person more at risk of suffering from obesity, diabetes and osteoporosis.
3. Avoid fast food (junk food).Did you know that fast food especially the kind of junk food even if only in small portions will satisfy the needs of calories in a day. Avoid this to reduce the intake of excess calories in the body.
4. Reduce the portion of food.Whatever way you diet, food is one of the main factors that will greatly influence the success or failure means your diet. If you normally eat a plate, cut in half, and even in some ways Korean artists diet, there are only eating potatoes alone.
5. Often eatHunger is one tough opponent someone who is on a diet. To fix this, we could eat a little, but often. So the total number of times a day to eat, but the portions are much reduced.
6. Replace with vegetables and fruitExpand the fruit and vegetables, really tired of hearing it. But that is exactly what we should do. Replace all the food that you think will make the fat because it contains a lot of calories with fruit, such as potato chips and other. And also vegetable sertabuah is another secret to keep making the body healthy in general.
7. Drinking water before mealsThe best drink is water, and when we are running the correct way of diet within a week is drink water 5 minutes before eating. This will make the stomach feel full and also good for the body's metabolism as well as the portion of food will be less later.
8. Do not eat fried foodsFoods that contain lots of oil will semkain increase trans fats in the body, and also contains a lot of cholesterol which will lead to fat accumulation in the body. While it is running the correct way this time diet, do not eat fried foods Let go, why do not we replace it with a kind of steamed or boiled foods alone.
9. Replace white riceIf you do not eat rice had not eaten his name, so to speak Indonesian opinion of most people today. And we will replace white rice with red rice is also rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates. So while, leave white rice, switch to brown rice.
Those are some things that must be done in a week to do a proper diet in order to successfully lose weight up to 1.5 kg. It seems common, but we need to ask aakah've run it correctly and accurately. Beautiful women, good luck I hope you succeed skinny and slim fast diet right way this week.

10 Tips To Get Rid of Foot Odor

These lightweight tips that may be useful for people who have a terrible foot odor. This is not true because it means insulting but there are people who do have a terrible smell of shoes. And many people are bothered by the smell of the shoes, sometimes we become not confiden with the smell of the shoes when I have to take it off in public. Because they take off in public as if certain circumstances we sometimes can not avoid.

1. Baking soda is an odor removal agent and certainly can be used to overcome the odor in your shoes. The trick, sprinkle baking soda into your shoes at night. Let stand for one night. The next morning, wipe the baking soda. Smell on your shoes will be lost. In addition, you can also sprinkle baby powder into the shoe.

2. Let the shoe breathable. After use, disconnect and remove your shoelaces footwear. Put in place that is open. The wind will bring fresh air into and once dried sweat. In addition, re-use shoe that has dianginkan will make you feel more comfortable. 

3. Avoid using the same shoes for two days in a row. 
4. Use insoles in shoes. These insoles can be removed and reused. With so much easier to clean. 
5. Wash your socks using products containing disinfectant. This could prevent smells on your socks and shoes. Also, make sure you wear clean socks every day. 
6. Make sure you wash and dry the feet before wearing shoes. 
7. If the shoes are wet, place it in the open. If it rains, make sure your shoes are dry before you put it in place before wearing shoes or back. If there is water in it, the shoes will soon be smelling in a period of less than one day. 
8. Wear antriprespiran on foot. You can use a moisturizer before putting on boots, so feet will not sweat and thus prevent bad odor. 
9. Do not forget to wear socks, this will help absorb sweat and prevent the growth of bacteria in the shoe. 
10. Do not forget to also maintain your feet. If there is mold, immediately handle. Thickening of the skin are also often resist the smell of sweat even after a shower. Because of this, gently rub your feet using pumice stone. This could help lift the thick skin on the feet.

Sunday 30 June 2013

The effect of stress on pregnant women

the effect of stress on pregnant women
Overcoming Stress In Pregnancy - Impact of maternal stress and emotions impact on pregnant women can adversely affect the fetus. Not only that, the effects of stress during pregnancy can also lead to serious pregnancy complications.
Here are tips to overcome stress in pregnancy

Reflect on and discuss with your husband, family what are the things that become a heavy burden your mind
Keeping food intake can also help pregnant women reduce the risk of stress and depression
Regular exercise, a healthy body really helps you in maintaining a healthy body and mind
Avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol, bad habits can lead to stress and depression
Establish communication among pregnant women. Equation fate and experience can help ease the burden of your mind
Regularly active, such as yoga, hanging out with friends, and recreation, will make your mind is not focused on the things that you would normally think of weight and also lowers stress hormones.
Break apart quite comfortable and at home, to choose a comfortable and quiet vacation. Note also the exact position of rest for pregnant women.
Understand that what you are feeling is normal.
Believe in emotions and boost self confidence.
Try to continue to communicate with a partner.
Get support from friends, family, physician, or other communities.
Do not try to be a hero in any way. Simply do your best, and always prioritize your health and the fetus.
Expand knowledge of what happens to your body, and armed yourself with the possibility of knowing what will happen in the future.
Follow the relaxation exercises, such as yoga and meditation.
Release the pressure by practicing safe but still energetic, like walking, swimming, and a little dancing.
Listen to your favorite songs or reading inspirational books.
If possible, try to find a spa that offers a special massage for pregnant women.
Soaking in warm water to release tension and for the waters have not broken still considered safe
Learn relaxation techniques through books or by taking special classes.
Consumption of balanced and nutritious diet.
Save and record daily activities in a diary.
Pamper yourself with a delightful foods, such as ice cream or high-quality chocolate.
If you still feel a sense of melancholy erratic during pregnancy, you should see a doctor specifically to get proper treatment.
Think that you are not alone, because believe even people who do not know you are in any way going to help you if there is something in the way of yourself.
Consult a physician. As much as possible, all complaints and uncomfortable feelings you discussed with your physician confidence. Your doctor will assess whether you need medical or psychological treatment so that precautions can be done.

how to stimulate a woman a man

how to stimulate a woman a man

Tips on How to Satisfy Women man in bed during sex - There are a few tips that make men crazy addicted to women as well as interested in women while making love in bed the following techniques on how to stimulate a woman a man

How to satisfy her man

Sexy dress

You try to dress sexy for a man's sexual desire for sex will be easily ignited when she saw her partner to use a sexy dress, of course, in addition to physical contact

Naughty little

Naughty expression about sex though seem trivial can give its own preoccupations, occasionally try to talk sex but not slob when you're relaxed, Talking about taboo sex techniques or variations of it arouse fresh


Do not ever feel upset when you're lazy sex couples because of fatigue due to finish work at the office. Many ways to the enjoyment, rayulah couple for touching your genitals. Surely he will respond well despite not continue in the sexual contact.

Quick sex

Encourage your partner to do the Quickie it will continue to provide memorable passion, not necessarily on the bed and did not know the time and place. For example, in the car garage, kitchen, and bathroom


Clever and wanted to perform oral sex on your partner's genital area because it is the total expression of love, and the region is the area most senstitif which can give pleasure when making love.

touch technique

To perform a satisfactory mating, should be done by several techniques. For example, the touch of a massage and tips to improve sex drive

Benefits of Fish Oil

Benefits of Fish OilFish Oil Benefits and the Benefits of Fish Oil - Not only contain essential fatty acids that are beneficial to heart health, but also fish oil can be beneficial to mental health, that is, those who are depressed, people with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.Example of a good source of fish oil are mackerel, sardines, swordfish, oysters, and tuna fish. The following are the benefits of fish oil for healthFish oil may prevent cardiovascular diseaseNot only lowers triglycerides, reduces hardening of the arteries, and lowering cholesterol, but fish oil also prevents abnormal heartbeat rhythms.Fish oil may prevent cancerFish oil is effective against some cancers, namely breast cancer, colon, and prostate. The content of fish oil containing Omega 3 which can help maintain healthy cells and normal cells mutate into cancer cells and restrain the growth of unwanted cells.Fish oil for cholesterolThe main benefits of fish oil is that it helps regulate cholesterol levels. This is because of Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DPA) which is found in most high-quality fish oil supplements help regulate cholesterol.Fish oil can be slimming bodyA study in Australia has found that a diet by consuming fish oil regularly can lose weight. Fish oil can be used to treat hypertension and obesity.Fish oil for arthritis / jointLong-term use of fish oil can effectively reduce and prevent joint painFish Oil for Eye HealthOmega 3 may protect against macular degeneration / macular degeneration (AMD) eyes and reduce the risk of dry eye syndrome.Fish oil for Mental HealthFish oil helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and schizophrenia.Fish oil for skin and hair healthOmega 3 helps maintain the moisture of skin cells, produce collagen, reduce skin blemishes, and make a person look younger. While the protein content of the fish oil helps in hair growth and maintain the health and strength of hair.Fish oil for high blood pressureOmega 3 has anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting content which helps in lowering blood pressure.Fish Oil for AsthmaFish oil is very effective for respiratory problems such as asthma. Fish oil also helps reduce asthma attacks and make breathing more smoothly.Fish oil for memory, focus, and the power of thoughtFish oil also increases blood flow and can affect hormones and the immune system, also make the brain function better.Fish oil can be overcome AcneEffective fish oil to treat acne because its EPA content.Fish oil for PregnancyFish oil good for pregnant women because of the presence of DHA that helps the development of baby's brain and eyes. Fish oil also helps avoid premature birth, low birth weight and miscarriage.

Saturday 29 June 2013

benefit of vitamin K

Food Sources and Benefits of Vitamin K
Benefits of Vitamin K
Vitamin K is one of the types of fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin K there are three kinds, namely:
Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone): This vitamin is produced by plants.Vitamin K2 (menaquinone): This vitamin is the result of bacteria found in the digestive organs).Vitamin K3 (menadione): This vitamin is a vitamin-made to help someone who has problems with the digestive organs to absorb food.A study conducted at Tufts and Diabetes Care diteribitkan by proving that vitamin K1 has the ability to prevent or treat diabetes by reducing insulin resistance.Vitamin K is useful to support the body's metabolism, suppress the bleeding of the liver, liver cancer and prevents the lungs, etc.. However, the main function of vitamin K that has been widely known for a blood clotting process is currently injured.
Based on the standard RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance), everyone needs vitamin K in accordance with their respective weight. Its size is a minimum of 1 microgram per KG body weight every day. For example, you have a 30 kg body weight, vitamin K you need per day minimum is 30 micrograms
Sources of Vitamin K
Sources of vitamin K to your body very easily obtained because the digestive system in our bodies already exist bacteria that can perform formation / synthesis of vitamin K are partially absorbed and stored in the liver. However, to ensure that we do not experience a deficiency of vitamin K, should we keep looking for the intake of vitamin K from food.
You can get vitamin K from green vegetables that have a lot of leaves, hearts, and milk. In addition, soy milk, cow's milk, beef, and green tea also contains vitamin K in large quantities.
But you have to be careful, because vitamin K may also cause your intoxication. This can happen to a person who receives a replacement vit. K water soluble. The symptoms of poisoning vitamin K if you can be jaundice, red blood cell destruction (hemolysis), to brain damage.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Success or Bust!

Success or Bust!

We've all been driving down the road and seen those infamous signs in the back of all types of automobiles that say something like "Disneyland or Bust". What does this mean? Basically, it means that those people are on their way to Disneyland and they will do absolutely anything no matter how much money, time orgas that they waste. They will get to Disneyland or BUST (go broke, run out of gas, waste too much time) trying to get there.

Now, let me ask you a question. Are you wearing this sign onyour back as you head down the road to financial freedom?


No, I don't mean a real sign but you are doing everything possible to become successful no matter how much money, time or relationships it cost you. If this is you, then here's a suggestion…stop the madness! Your success journey should progressively improve as you head down the path. Let me give you an example.

One of my coaching clients had been building her business for five years without any financial gain. That's right, absolutely no progress. After just a few coaching sessions, she realized that she had been building her business wrong for five years. The minute that she began implementing strategies and techniques that actually work her business went through the roof. She's now on her success journey and she is paving her way with golden bricks. This lady refuses to wear that sign that most of you are wearing…Success or Bust! 

So, how do you know if you have that sign on your back? Here are some clues:

· You are flipping through a phone book or buying names/numbers instead of getting out and networking with people. You can't expect to build an outstanding team if you don't put forth the effort to actually meet Champions like yourself. Yes, it is hard to build a mastermind team that's why I have compiled a Champions Forum where you can meet other Champions. Check out to start building your team!

· You are taking advice from a coach, mentor, upline, business partner, etc. that has never done what you want to do or has never gone where you want to go. For example, if you are building a direct sales/marketing business then you wouldn't want to take advice or direction from someone that has never built a direct sales/marketing business or has never made millions in the industry. 
· You have spent hundreds if not thousands on personal development materials or services but you have nothing to show for it. You must research before you invest. For instance, I have had great success with my Millionaire Maker Boot Camps but I would never expect for you to take my word for it so I developed You can actually go to that link and listen to audio testimonials from past boot camp attendees. If you can't find real testimonials from real people that a personal development program or service works, then don't invest in it!

If you relate to any of these examples, then here's what I want you to do. Are you ready?
Take your hand, put it in the center of your back and rip that "Success or Bust" sign off of your back! You shouldn't become physical, emotionally, socially or financially broke on your Success Journey. I challenge you to start paving your path with golden bricks today by networking with other champions, taking advice from a successful coach and investing in personal development materials that work.

Creating 1,000 Millionaires, 
John Di Lemme